Today 27th Jan.2019,on 156th Birthday celebration of Swami Vivekananda,we remember his clarion call : " The tremendous engine of competition will destroy everything.If you are to live at all,you must adjust yourself to the TIMES.If we are to live at all,we must be a scientific nation.Intellectual power is the force." The great monk pleaded for co-operative competition in affectionate environment aspiring the genius combination of WILL and INTELLECT,ART and UTILITY for science & technological progress to transform INDIA and he had a transaction with the world community to bring science & technology to illiterate INDIA in exchange of spirituality ( Vedanta - highest generalisation of the ultimate reality....unity is the highest point in every science) . His vision of scientific rejuvenation of India has come true. In the true and favourable arena of aesthetic technique with broader vision iPhone is going to be materialised in Indian soil, yes,in true aesthetic sense wh...